Acmelight Ltd - Warszawa
Acmelight Company is specialized in production of luminous, fluorescent and invisible UV Light “club lighting" paints. We produce:
10 types of Glow in the dark paints, 9 different colors. 5 types of fluorescent paints, 7 different colors. 4 types of invisible paints, 3 different colors, glowing in neon lightening. Such paints are completely invisible at the daylight, but it glows deeply under “neon" light. These paints are good for painting walls in night clubs, laser show halls, bowling clubs. We also produce 3 colors of “colorless" nail polishes and invisible paints for paper (for making watermarks), body, self-adhesive film, flowers and etc.
We invite all interested people to cooperation. Low prices, discounts, bonuses! We are interested in development of Dealer network all around the world!
Dane teleadresowe - Acmelight Ltd
Adres: Lenina, 55/1, 50000 Warszawa
Telefon: 380564922692
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